Ketamine Therapy: Does Age Make A Difference On The Success of Treatment?

Ketamine Therapy: Does Age Make A Difference On The Success of Treatment?

Hello again.  This is Susan from  Welcome to my Ketamine blog for the Boise Ketamine Clinic website.  I am excited to have another platform on which to share my experience with Ketamine treatments, in hopes of educating others on the potential this drug has for helping those, like me, with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD).  

As a brief summary for those new to my blog,  I write about my experiences and journey with Ketamine Therapy on my personal website, The Injection and Infusion Clinic of Albuquerque, and of course for The Boise Ketamine Clinic.  I have a long history with treatment resistant depression and anxiety disorders. My personal mental health care resume includes numerous failed medication cocktails, ECT, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Talk Therapy and hospitalizations.  I admit I understand how all of these treatments could potentially help, but they never did for me.  It was a little over two and half years ago that I was introduced to Ketamine for depression.  I am alive today because of a drug that is raising many questions and concerns from the professional world. 

Ketamine And Mental Health Relapses: A Painful Process

Ketamine And Mental Health Relapses: A Painful Process

Hello again.  This is Susan from  Welcome to my Ketamine blog for the Boise Ketamine Clinic website.  I am excited to have another platform on which to share my experience with Ketamine treatments, in hopes of educating others on the potential this drug has for helping those, like me, with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD).  

I made it to Ketamine day.  I have been on the outskirts of depression multiple days now.  I am actually surprise that the depression filters have not destroyed me yet.  It is like a force field.  I can feel it radiating towards me but it looks like my Ketamine shots will occur before it can wrap its claws into me.  I am grateful.  

My Ketamine Story: Explaining My Experiences With Ketamine For Those Considering Ketamine Therapy

My Ketamine Story: Explaining My Experiences With Ketamine For Those Considering Ketamine Therapy

Hello again.  This is Susan from  Welcome to my Ketamine blog for the Boise Ketamine Clinic website.  I am excited to have another platform to share my experience with Ketamine treatments in hopes of educating others on the potential this drug has for helping others, like me, with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD).  

As many of you know, I suffer with TRD, anxiety disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).   I am a huge advocate of Ketamine therapy for depression.  I write about my experiences with Ketamine treatments on my website,   I want to introduce myself to you because educating others on this new method of treating depression is so very important to me.  I am 100% convinced that had I not been told about Ketamine, I would not be sitting in front of my computer writing this opening.  I wanted out of the center of my hell.  I wanted to find a path to take me away from the bleak existence I lived in. I felt so trapped inside a demonic labyrinth.  I was flat-out depressed and dying.  Ketamine offered me a key and a map.  I am on a journey.

Pulling Back The Darkness With The Use Of Ketamine Therapy

Pulling Back The Darkness With The Use Of Ketamine Therapy

Hello again.  This is Susan from  Welcome to my Ketamine blog for the Boise Ketamine Clinic website.  I am excited to have another platform to share my experience with Ketamine treatments in hopes of educating others on the potential this drug has for helping others, like me, with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD).  

As many of you know, I suffer with TRD, anxiety disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  In January of 2015

Making Sense Out Of Why Ketamine Is A Successful Therapy For Treatment Resistant Depression


Making Sense Out Of Why Ketamine Is A Successful Therapy For Treatment Resistant Depression

Hello again.  This is Susan from  Welcome to my first official blog for the Boise Ketamine Clinic website.  I am excited to have another platform to share my experience with Ketamine treatments in hopes of educating others on the potential this drug has for helping others, like me, with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD).  

As many of you know, I suffer with TRD, anxiety disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  In January of 2015, I nearly succeeded in taking my own life; after many prior failed attempts.  I found myself completely spent and my light went out.  I had spent decades searching for something that could allow me to be symptom free from the diseases in my brain, and I was certain that I had exhausted all my options.  I decided, it was time to finally give up.  I wasn't willing to exist in this beautiful world feeling such despair all the time.  I could no longer fight.  My family needed to accept my fate.  I had. 


Ketamine Is Hope For Treatment Resistant Depression


Ketamine Is Hope For Treatment Resistant Depression

Hello and welcome.  My name is Susan.  I am a huge advocate of Ketamine therapy for depression.  I write about my experiences with Ketamine treatments on my website,   I want to introduce myself to you because educating others on this new method of treating depression is so very important to me.  I am 100% convinced that had I not been told about Ketamine, I would not be sitting in front of my computer writing this opening.  As an introduction, I have treatment resistant depression, anxiety disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) but that isn’t who I am.
